Top Student Paper Award:
"Framing and Positioning Research Interviews: An Interactional Sociolinguistic Approach to Understanding Strategies of Neutrality and Rapport" by Hannah Fedder Williams, Georgetown University
Top Paper Award:
"Categorizing the Self to Stereotype the Other" by Dr. Nadja Tadic, Georgetown University
Outstanding Dissertation Award:
"Ethnomethodological Analysis of Online Classroom Interaction" by Dr. Shan Huang, University of Macau
Recent Scholarship Award:
Kellie Carst...
Recent Scholarship
2016 Award for outstanding article within last 5 years
Jeffrey Robinson “What ‘What’ Tells Us about How Conversationalists Manage
2014 Outstanding Scholarship
Gene H. Lerner (UCSB, Dept of Sociology) (2013). On the place of hesitating in delicate formulations: A turn-constructional infrastructure for collaborative indiscretion. In J. Sidnell, M. Hayashi & G. Raymond (Eds.), Conversational Repair and Human Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Awards 1982-2006
Recipients of the LSI Dissertation Award (an incomplete list)
2006 Galina Bolden (UCLA): Delayed and incipient actions: The discourse markers “-to” and “so” in Russian and English conversation
2005 Mariaelena Bartesaghi (University of Pennsylvania): Explanatory paths, therapeutic directions, conversational destinations: Accountability and authority in therapeutic interaction
2004 Mardi Kidwell (UCSB): Looking to see someone is looking at you: Gaze and the organization of observability in...
2008 Outstanding Scholarship
Kristine Fitch was awarded the Recent Scholarship Award for her 2006 article entitled, "Cultural Persuadables" published in Communication Theory 13(1): 100-123.
2010 Outstanding Scholarship
Wayne A. Beach for the 2009 book titled A natural history of family cancer: Interactional resolutions to medical problems, Hampton Press.
2012 Outstanding Scholarship
Michelle Scollo for the 2011 article titled “Cultural approaches to discourse analysis: A theoretical and methodological conversation with special focus on Donal Carbaugh's Cultural Discourse Theory,” Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 6, pp. 1-32.