Satomi Kuroshima (Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles) Ordering sushi: The intersection of linguistic form, culture and social setting in the United Sates and Japan.
Division Awards
2012 Outstanding Scholarship
Michelle Scollo for the 2011 article titled “Cultural approaches to discourse analysis: A theoretical and methodological conversation with special focus on Donal Carbaugh's Cultural Discourse Theory,” Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 6, pp. 1-32.
2012 Top Three Panel
Danielle Kvam, University of New Mexico, “'Conservation without money is just conversation’: Metaphors of environmental conservation in rural Ecuador”
Felicia Roberts, Perdue University, and Jennifer Kramer, St. John’s University, “An examination of morality in medical visits that address chronic pain”
Elizabeth Molina-Markham, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, “An ethnographic analysis of the active role of silence in Quaker meetings for business”
2012 Top Paper Award
Danielle Kvam, University of New Mexico, “'Conservation without money is just conversation’: Metaphors of environmental conservation in rural Ecuador”
2012 Dissertation Award
Stephanie Hye Ri Kim (Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles) Beginning an action in English and Korean: Turn design and action projection.
2013 Outstanding Scholarship
Robert Craig & Karen Tracy for the 1995 article titled “Grounded practical theory: The case of intellectual discussion,” Communication Theory, 5, 248-272.
2013 Top Four Panel
Danielle Pillet-Shore, University of New Hampshire, “‘Doing ‘how I’m coming here’: Displaying a state of being when opening face-to-face interaction”
Lydia Reinig, University of Colorado, Boulder, “‘Can I ask you a question?’: Confronting ethnographer identity in ‘interview flipping’"
Jenny Mandelbaum, Rutgers University, “How to do things with requests: Requesting at the family dinner table”
Gonen Dori-Hacohen & Nimrod Shaviv, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, “Identity, au...
2013 Top Paper
Danielle Pillet-Shore, University of New Hampshire, “‘Doing ‘how I’m coming here’: Displaying a state of being when opening face-to-face interaction”
Lydia Reinig, University of Colorado, Boulder, “‘Can I ask you a question?’: Confronting ethnographer identity in ‘interview flipping’”
2013 Dissertation Award
Hsin-I Yueh (Ph.D., University of Iowa) The tactic of the weak: A critical analysis of feminine persuasion in Taiwan