Top Student Paper Award:
"Framing and Positioning Research Interviews: An Interactional Sociolinguistic Approach to Understanding Strategies of Neutrality and Rapport" by Hannah Fedder Williams, Georgetown University
Top Paper Award:
"Categorizing the Self to Stereotype the Other" by Dr. Nadja Tadic, Georgetown University
Outstanding Dissertation Award:
"Ethnomethodological Analysis of Online Classroom Interaction" by Dr. Shan Huang, University of Macau
Recent Scholarship Award:
Kellie Carst...
Outstanding Dissertation
2021 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Congratulations to:
Grace Peters (U South Florida), Communication Skills in Medical Education: A Discourse Analysis of Standardized Patient Practices
2017 Outstanding Dissertation
Emily Hofstetter, “Citizens Getting Help Interactions at the Constituency Office”. Her study provides valuable insight into everyday practices of politics a concern of increasing significance in the field.
2016 Outstanding Dissertation
Nadezhda Sotirova (University of Minnesota Morris): “'Of All, I Most Hate Bulgarians': Situating Oplakvane in Bulgarian Discourse as a Term for Communication Practice”.
Nade’s dissertation is an ethnographic study of communication focusing on Bulgarian identity, culture and community. Reviewers were impressed with how the research couples a nuanced study of specific communication practices with a whole national ethos. The study enriches the field of the ethnography of communication su...
2015 Outstanding Dissertation
Ingrid Li Soto (UC Santa Barbara) “Social Relations and Institutional Structures and in Modern American Political Campaigns.” Dissertation Chair: Geoffrey Raymond.
Reviewers wrote: Soto’s dissertation focuses on the 2008 Presidential Election campaign speeches and
provides a fine grained analysis of interaction between the speaker and the audience. It demonstrates how a successful speech depends on properly timed audience response to the speaker’s communicative actions, whether they are boo...
2014 Outstanding Dissertation
Joshua Raclaw, currently an honorary fellow at University of Wisconsin-Madison: Indexing inferables and organizational shifts: ‘No’-prefaces in English conversation. Dissertation chair: Barbara Fox of University of Colorado.
Reviewers wrote that: This research employs theories and methods well-grounded in the LSI historical community, but makes strong, clear contributions to that literature as well. The author ably employs complimentary analytic concepts that span sub-disciplinary boundaries...
Awards 1982-2006
Recipients of the LSI Dissertation Award (an incomplete list)
2006 Galina Bolden (UCLA): Delayed and incipient actions: The discourse markers “-to” and “so” in Russian and English conversation
2005 Mariaelena Bartesaghi (University of Pennsylvania): Explanatory paths, therapeutic directions, conversational destinations: Accountability and authority in therapeutic interaction
2004 Mardi Kidwell (UCSB): Looking to see someone is looking at you: Gaze and the organization of observability in...
2008 Dissertation Award
Estafania Guimares (PhD, University of York, UK) was awarded the LSI Dissertation Award for her dissertation entitled, "Talking about violence: Women reporting abuse in Brazil".
2009 Dissertation Award
Danielle Pillet-Shore (PhD, UCLA), Coming Together: Creating and Maintaining Social Relationships through the Openings of Face-to-Face Interactions
2010 Dissertation Award
Leah Sprain (Ph.D., University of Washington) Cultivating Cooperativism: An Ethnography of Communication in Nicaraguan Fair Trade Cooperative Meetings