2015 Outstanding Scholarship

Donal Carbaugh, “Cultures in Conversation” About the book: Donal Carbaugh’s Cultures in Conversation represents the fundamental role of ethnography in understanding social interaction, and the central place of “culture” within our division. It is a foundational work in the area of culture and communication. The combination of ethnography and discourse analysis and its successful attempt to bridge the micro-macro distinction, especially with respect to intercultural communication, is strong. I...

Awards 1982-2006

Recipients of the LSI Dissertation Award (an incomplete list) 2006 Galina Bolden (UCLA): Delayed and incipient actions: The discourse markers “-to” and “so” in Russian and English conversation 2005 Mariaelena Bartesaghi (University of Pennsylvania): Explanatory paths, therapeutic directions, conversational destinations: Accountability and authority in therapeutic interaction 2004 Mardi Kidwell (UCSB): Looking to see someone is looking at you: Gaze and the organization of observability in...

2009 Outstanding Scholarship

Barnett Pearce & Vernon Cronen was awarded the Old Chestnut Award for their classic work, "Communication, action, and meaning" (1980), which elaborated the basic argument for the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM). This important scholarship was ground breaking because it helped to open a space for LSI work because it offered a way to understanding something between people rather than recycling (social) psychological variables that were popular in mainstream communication research of...