2015 Call for Nominations – Information Officer

The Language and Social Interaction division of National Communication Association is seeking nominations for the role of INFORMATION OFFICER. This is a 2-year commitment to the division and the responsibilities are shared amongst two officers. Responsibilities include taking minutes at the business meeting, managing and updating the LSI website and Facebook page, developing and distributing the quarterly newsletter, and being the point of contact for members who have announcements to share with...

Call for Papers: Electronic Journal of Communication

Special Issue: Social Construction: Re-Opening the Conversation, Re-Constituting the Possibilities Issue Editor: Mariaelena Bartesaghi, University of South Florida Over the last five years, members of our field have intensified their discussion of social construction with renewed force and purpose. The 2006 National Communication Summer Institute on Social Construction, the creation of a “Communication as Social Construction” division at NCA, a new handbook, an edited collection, and a chapt...

The Dissertation Writing Journey

Seminar Call for Participants: The Dissertation Writing Journey The NCA Research Board, together with the Text and Academic Authors Association, will sponsor a one-day seminar in Orlando designed for graduate students beginning or in the middle of their dissertation writing process. The leaders of the seminar will be Dr. Sonja Foss, Professor of Communication at the University of Colorado Denver, and Dr. William Waters, Associate Professor of English at the University of Houston Downtown. They ...

2013 Western States Communication Association

Language and Social Interaction Interest Group Western States Communication Association (WSCA) 2013 Annual Convention, Reno, NV February 15-19, 2013 The Language and Social Interaction (LSI) interest group of WSCA is focused on research that focuses on language use in discourse, and interaction in a range of settings. The division invites submission of papers, extended abstracts, and program panels for the upcoming 2013 annual conference. As an interest group, LSI invites a broad range of ...