Author: ncalsiadmin
The 2024 NCA Convention theme is Communication for Greater Regard.
Welcome to the Language and Social Interaction division of NCA
The purpose of the Language and Social Interaction (LSI) website is to promote the understanding and development of speech and language processes. LSI scholars in this division are concerned with the utilization of speech, language, or gesture in human communication including studies of discourse processes, face-to-face interaction, communication competence, sp...
Awards 1982-2006
Recipients of the LSI Dissertation Award (an incomplete list)
2006 Galina Bolden (UCLA): Delayed and incipient actions: The discourse markers “-to” and “so” in Russian and English conversation
2005 Mariaelena Bartesaghi (University of Pennsylvania): Explanatory paths, therapeutic directions, conversational destinations: Accountability and authority in therapeutic interaction
2004 Mardi Kidwell (UCSB): Looking to see someone is looking at you: Gaze and the organization of observability in...
2007 Outstanding Scholarship
Richard Buttny was awarded the Outstanding Scholarship Award for a Classic Work, also known as the "Old Chestnut" award, for his 1993 books entitled, "Social Accountability" (Sage).
2007 Top Four Panel
Emma Beitz for her paper entitled "Syntactic Resources for Managing Speakership and Recipiency in Everyday Interaction: Pivots in German Conversation".
Curtis LeBaron, Phillip J. Glenn, and Thompson Michael for their paper entitled, "Micro-Practices of Knowing During Employment Interviews: Situated Interplay Between the File-Self and the Embodied-Self"
Jack Sidnell for his paper entitled, "The design and positioning of questions in inquiry testimony"
Ruey-Jiuan Regina Wu for...
2007 Top Paper
Emma Beitz was awarded Top Paper and Top Debut Paper for her paper entitled "Syntactic Resources for Managing Speakership and Recipiency in Everyday Interaction: Pivots in German Conversation".
2008 Top Four Panel
Danielle Pillet-Shore for her paper entitled "Making way and making sense for arrivers: Pre-present parties' previous activity formulations".
Heidi Kevoe-Feldman for her paper entitled, "What is the Status of 'Status'?: Understanding the Action of Soliciting an Update On Equipment being Repaired"
Mardi Kidwell for her paper entitled,"What Happened?: An Epistemics of Before and After in Police Questioning"
David Boromisza-Habashi for his paper entitled, "Norm Violation as Ana...
2008 Outstanding Scholarship
Kristine Fitch was awarded the Recent Scholarship Award for her 2006 article entitled, "Cultural Persuadables" published in Communication Theory 13(1): 100-123.
2008 Top Paper
Danielle Pillet-Shore was awarded Top Paper and Top Debut Paper for her paper entitled "Making way and making sense for arrivers: Pre-present parties' previous activity formulations".
2008 Dissertation Award
Estafania Guimares (PhD, University of York, UK) was awarded the LSI Dissertation Award for her dissertation entitled, "Talking about violence: Women reporting abuse in Brazil".