
The LSI division is seeking nominations for the roles of Vice Chair Elect and Information Officer. If you have questions or would like to submit a nomination (self-nominations are more than welcome!), please email me - Vice Chair Elect The vice-chair-elect shall serve one year, then succeed to the office of vice-chair, chair, and past chair - in total a 4 year commitment. The primary responsibility of the VCE is to manage the dissertation of the year award. In thi...

Call for nominations: The Recent Scholarship Award

Call for nominations: 2018 Outstanding Publication Award for LSI Scholarship Within 5 years (a.k.a., “The Recent Scholarship Award”) Extended deadline: June 30, 2018  This award is presented to the author(s) of an article, chapter, or monograph in the area of language and social interaction. Any member of the LSI  Division may nominate a published work; the senior author must be a member of the LSI Division during the year in which the award is made. Selection criteria shall include scholarl...

2016 Outstanding Dissertation

Nadezhda Sotirova (University of Minnesota Morris): “'Of All, I Most Hate Bulgarians': Situating Oplakvane in Bulgarian Discourse as a Term for Communication Practice”. Nade’s dissertation is an ethnographic study of communication focusing on Bulgarian identity, culture and community. Reviewers were impressed with how the research couples a nuanced study of specific communication practices with a whole national ethos. The study enriches the field of the ethnography of communication su...