
The LSI division is seeking nominations for the roles of Vice Chair Elect and Information Officer. If you have questions or would like to submit a nomination (self-nominations are more than welcome!), please email me –

Vice Chair Elect

The vice-chair-elect shall serve one year, then succeed to the office of vice-chair, chair, and past chair – in total a 4 year commitment. The primary responsibility of the VCE is to manage the dissertation of the year award. In this role the VCE solicits nominations by posting our solicitation for award nominations. The VCE is responsible for assembling a review committee of at least 3 NCA members and requesting an award check for presentation during the NCA business meeting. The VCE also assists the vice-chair with coordinating the review of papers and other program submissions.


Information Officer

This is a 2-year commitment and the responsibilities are shared amongst two officers. Responsibilities include updating the LSI website page (which is built in WordPress), taking minutes at the business meeting, managing and updating the LSI website and Facebook page, developing and distributing important news, and being the point of contact for members who have announcements to share with the membership.