2012 Dissertation Award Nomination

Deadline: September 14, 2012

The Language and Social Interaction Division of the National Communication Association will recognize the outstanding dissertation in the field of language and social interaction. Appropriate topics include situated conversation, language use, and embodied interaction in settings such as: classrooms, doctors’ offices, public meetings, work and home, as well as interactions between and across cultural borderlines. Previous awards have gone to studies of discourse processes, communication competence, speech act theory, sociolinguistics, ethnomethodology, and ethnographies of speaking. To be eligible for the award, a dissertation must have been completed during 2011.

Nominations should be made by the dissertation advisor or a member of the Language and Social Interaction Division of NCA. Please email nominations with the following materials:

  1. A nomination letter outlining justification for the award.
  2. A 500-word (maximum) abstract of the dissertation.
  3. A .pdf article-length report of the dissertation, or a selection of 30 pages (double-spaced) considered to be representative of the manuscript.

Send nominations and materials by September 14, 2012 to the Vice Chair Elect: Heidi Kevoe-Feldman, Ph.D. Email: h.kevoefeldman@neu.edu. Please include “NCA LSI Dissertation Award” in the subject line of your email.

The award will be presented at NCA’s Language and Social Interaction Division Business Meeting at the November 2012 convention in Orlando, Florida.

You can find a list of previous award recipient here.